Whole Body Cryotherapy

Experience a boost in metabolism and a reduction of inflammation and pain. Most people feel energized after the session and sleep better for a few nights!

​​Exposure to the sub zero temperatures triggers the release of anti-inflammatory proteins and endorphins. Oxygen circulation is increased within the bloodstream due to vasoconstriction and vasodilation. Professional athletes have been using cryotherapy for years to reduce inflammation, relieve pain, and recover faster. But you don't have to be an athlete to experience the benefits! 

Conditions that May Benefit​ from Cryotherapy

  • Rheumatic diseases (arthritis)
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Acute and chronic pain
  • Skin conditions (eczema, psoriasis)
  • Migraine headaches
  • Limited range of motion from sprains, strains, overused muscles, etc.
  • Muscle fatigue from exercise
  • Mild (controlled) asthma
  • Osteoporosis

How Does a Session Work?

After we review the contraindications and you sign a waiver, we take you to a changing room where you remove all of your clothing except for underwear. (Women should not wear a bra that has metal in it, so we recommend a wireless sports bra or cami. We have camis available to borrow.) You must remove or cover all metal jewelry and piercings from the neck down. (Metal inside of your body from surgeries, etc. is OK.) You must wear a clean dry pair of socks that cover your lower leg (calf-high or knee high). We provide dry socks and shorts if needed as well as protective clogs and a robe. Your skin must be completely dry...no recent shower or application of lotion. It is also recommended that you do not shave or wax your legs on the same day as your skin will be more sensitive.


When you enter the Juka sauna, a technician raises the floor lift so your head is above the nitrogen level. You are then asked to remove your robe and hand it over the top to your technician, who will then hand you mittens for your hands.

Our sauna opens with just a slight push as the latch is just a magnet. Your head is in no way constricted with a lid or a sleeve. You are completely free to dance around! Bring your favorite inspirational song to sync with our speaker to make the treatment time more fun! After the appropriate time for you (1.5-3 minutes), a technician will hand your robe back to you and escort you out of the sauna.

Ask your doctor if you are unsure as to whether cryotherapy is safe for you.​


The JUKA Cryosauna is the most recognized and trusted product on the market, used globally by more medical professionals and professional athletes than any other device. Our unit is the only UL listed sauna on the market with extensive safety features.


Juka has more dedicated safety protocols than any other cryosauna, including a built in O2 sensor adjacent to the client's head which automatically shuts off the nitrogen supply, and a door shutoff switch to ensure that nitrogen does not escape the sauna. It features an electric lift that positions clients safely above the cryotherapy environment.​

Juka has the unique distinction of being the only cryosauna listed as a Class III Medical Device in the EU.

Safety Instructions for Whole Body Cryotherapy

  • You MUST wear dry calf-high or knee-high socks (and dry underwear for men) to avoid frostbite. We provide you with dry socks or shorts if you forget yours. 
  • You should remove or cover all metal jewelry and piercings from the chin down. Bras should not have any metal in them. We recommend a metal free sports bra or camisole for women, but women may also enter the sauna topless (you will not be exposed). Metal inside of your body, such as from surgeries, is OK.
  • Treatments are limited to 3 minutes per session. (Overexposure to the cold temperatures may cause frostbite, so we follow all safety protocols to prevent this.)
  • You must end the procedure at any time if you experience any problems.
  • Abnormal skin sensitivity to cold may be caused by certain foods, cosmetics, lotions, or medication, including but not limited to the following: tranquilizers, high blood pressure medication. 
  • A person who is less than (18) years of age may not use whole body cryotherapy without parental consent.

Risks of Whole Body Cryotherapy

  • temporary redness of the skin
  • fluctuations in blood pressure (due to peripheral vasoconstriction, blood pressure may briefly increase by up to 10 points systolically during treatment)
  • allergic reaction to extreme cold (rare)
  • anxiety (rare)
  • chillblain/skin burns (frostbite)/scarring (very rare)

Contraindications​ and Precautions

  • Pregnancy
  • Severe Hypertension (BP> 180/100)
  • Raynaud’s Syndrome
  • Symptomatic cardiovascular disease or a history of heart surgery including a pacemaker insertion.
  • Uncontrolled seizures
  • Fever
  • Tumor disease
  • Symptomatic lung disorders (uncontrolled)
  • Bleeding disorders
  • Severe anemia
  • Infection
  • Claustrophobia
  • Cold allergy
  • Age less than 18 years (parental consent to treatment needed)
  • Acute kidney and urinary tract diseases.